Winners of Cluster Level CBSE Kho-Kho Tournament, Chitrakoota School, Bangalore
We can undoubtedly announce to the whole world that these children are the most hardworking and the best assets we can boast of!
God! They have won the Cluster Level CBSE Kho Kho Tournament straight for the third consecutive year! They are definitely following the footsteps of their Chairman who had scored a hattrick in winning the Best District Principal award!
A good example to follow kiddos!
You hardly have any holidays. You can't gorge on all those attractive street food. Your parents have to plan their schedule, following your time table!
What can we say? A 'Thank you'?!
All the sacrifices you made have fueled your successes! We are proud of you girls! The Best Defender and the Best Chaser awards in your kitties, you will chase the success!
If we can humbly say, Chitrakoota's flag flies high because of your sacrifice, dedication, and efforts of your coaches. Go..get it.. Give your best girls..!
Our best wishes and blessing are with you for the National Level Kho Kho Competition conducted by CBSE in Haryana! History should repeat again! ?
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